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Member Benefits

Check out these great benefits to MSPS Membership!

For more than 60 years, The Minnesota Society of Professional Surveyors (MSPS) and its predecessor, Minnesota Land Surveyors Association has provided surveyors with a wealth of resources and professional benefits; including education, fellowship, and communication. 




Public Relations
The MSPS website has the topics: Having Your Land Surveyed, Your Land and the Land Surveyor, and Engagement of Land Surveying Services. The Society also disseminates information about land surveying through various media. 

Continuing Education
MSPS’s annual conference, summer conference and educational workshops provide members with professional development opportunities and association with fellow surveyors.  MSPS offers workshops to MSPS members at reduced registration rates.

MSPS makes available to its members an annual directory of members and publishes yearly updates to a compilation of the Minnesota Statutes pertaining to land surveying.  MSPS also publishes its quarterly newsletter “Minnesota Surveyor” to keep members up-to-date with surveying issues in Minnesota. In Addition the society publishes and sells reference books such as: “Report 4 Metes and Bounds Descriptions” ; “Public Land Surveys: History, Instructions, Methods”

MSPS retains a lobbyist to monitor Minnesota legislative activity and disseminate information to members.  MSPS represents the legal interests of Minnesota surveyors before the state legislature, state agencies, and the licensing board.  The American Congress on Surveying & Mapping (ACSM) is your representative for legislation at the national level.

National Liaison
MSPS is an affiliate of the National Society of Professional Surveyors (NSPS). NSPS is a member organization of ACSM and is the national voice of the practicing surveyor.

MSPS provides a resource on ethical issues related to land surveying prior to getting state licensing board involvements.

Firm Membership
Firm Members are listed on the MSPS website under Find a Surveyor and are listed in “The Minnesota Surveyor”. They may also post employment ads on the website without charge.

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